Dear World,
There are just things in life that one wishes to share, that little something that is worth writing home about.
Jan 28, 2011
I love tortillas. really. LOVE
Oh and I like LOVE CHEESE (I mean it's okay I guess...)
Dear World,
< So Breakfast of champions am I right??? I made my roommate some cheesecake cupcakes last night for her birthday (I'll show pics once I get to eat one ...yummmmmm). What does that have to do with a breakfast burrito? Not a lot to be honest. The common denominator: eggs. When I bake I buy the half dozen carton of eggs (I try not to eat eggs too often even though they are wonderful). Well sad news, I open up my little carton and gracefully managed to break two of the six eggs on my trip home (I'm assuming it was me lol). Two of the good eggs went into the cupcake batter and the other two, well the other two momentarily went into my turkey container (the carton was NASTY! not salvageable I promise). In the morning I decided they might as well just go into my belly. Thank goodness I had decided to splurge on an avocado when I was at the store last night, oh and tomatoes. We also happened to have a little onion in the fridge and I had cheese!!! Too bad I used up my mushrooms last night but this was still a stellar breakfast treat. You may notice a little Frank's sauce peeking out in the background, yeah that went all over this burrito. Time to buy some sort of habanero sauce but Frank's does have a great flavor.
Tasty looking dinner too ehh?> So I am trying to be a healthier person (it really comes and goes but I want to develop good life habits and now is the time right??) which is the reason for my whole wheat tortillas (you thought I was going to talk about the vegetables didn't ya? Come on veggies are delicious!!! Especially mushrooms..and asparagus, and tomatoes <fruit right? w/e you get it...). Well earlier this year I bought some sort of multi grain tortillas. NOT IMPRESSED. I'm sorry, healthy does not mean sacrificing flavor. The texture was off (and I love multigrain bread! I promise) and I was always just a little disappointed with the creations I made using those tortillas. Well I was all ready to get flour tortillas but I decided that I would give whole wheat a chance. SO MUCH BETTER. That is a cheese and pear concoction right there (in case you were curious). I did not sacrifice ANY flavor with this one. Quite the tasty dinner I'd say. Fits right in with College Cuisine.
Dear World,
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MMMmmm...pears and LOVE love pears and cheese...gorgonzola...walnuts...parmesan...