College Cuisine
Dear World,
Last year I lived in the dorms (which was a total blast and I believe everyone should take advantage of the experience if possible). The dorm life does not come along with the most ideal food situation. As wonderful as late night trips to the dorm market were (and trust me they were), microwave meals and TONS O PROCESSED FOOD gets a bit old. Just to give you all some perspective I would look forward to going home and eating toast...TOAST! Don't get me wrong, I love toast but it is not a delicacy; I just didn't have a toaster in the dorm and really missed it :( (luckily Whataburger helped me curb my toast craving now and again...... delicious).
I also missed eating chicken and really began to realize what a lucky lady this girl had been for being able to partake in many delicious meals every night for the previous eighteen years. Thankfully I now live in an apartment with a kitchen. What a beautiful thing!! It's my turn at the stove and it can be kinda scary... I really got into baking this summer and have been making plenty of birthday and holiday goodies (think snickers cheesecake, orange cranberry cornmeal cake, tunnel of fudge cake, cookies galore, etc.) It is spring semester now and I would like to focus on expanding my cooking horizons. I am pretty confident when it comes to baking (years of chocolate chip cookie baking as a staple form of entertainment), but my cooking knowledge is extremely lacking. I've decided to showcase my attempts here for all of you lucky folk!
Yesterday I was wondering how I could possibly use all of the mushrooms I had purchased before they went bad. BAM chicken melt! I was looking forward to making (and devouring) this baby alllllll day long. I even told my dear friend that I was making a chicken melt for dinner. She thought I was getting all excited for a chicken malt. I like trying new things but that is just disgusting! I still have a lot to learn but I can feed myself (woo!) and it is fun to experiment with the random things I buy each week.
-Friendly Food Fanatic
P.S. Hey mom! I can cook now (sorta) :)
So gourmet! Lovin it :)