Hey There World,
I am a sophomore at ASU. I really do love college, but my first semester Freshman year was missing something. Let me give you a little background. In high school I was in Student Government, NHS, Theater (the best!!!), and I was pretty much busy all of the time. I jumped into ASU ready to make new friends and just psyched for some new adventures. I quickly realized that I just need to belong to some sort of club or extracurricular activity or I go CRAZY. I was tempted to join a sorority (but they are pricey!!!) but I wasn't really sure that I would fit in or that I was willing to make the time commitment. Greek life just didn't seem to be the fit that I was looking for (plus it's expensive!!). I tried out a marketing club for one meeting, then I remembered that I HATE selling things and that I already attend enough lectures during the day..... anywho I obviously decided to keep looking. My business 101 class required a trip to the business clubs' fair... nothing screamed out to me there either (mayhaps my ambition could use some revamping? I don't know but I wanted something that was more about fun!). To be honest I didn't look very hard. I perused the ASU's club website but that was the extent of my research. Lucky for me a boy I was interested in (lame huh? We all do it, don't judge) was a part of a very small community service group, Alpha Phi Omega (APO), and coincidentally a girl that was in STUGO with me in high school was also a member. I asked my roommate to go with me to the info meeting and we both decided to give this group a go. The pledging process was very simple: weekly meetings, 20 hours of community service, 10 hours of fellowship, a test, and participating in planning a service, fellowship or fundraising event as a pledge class (oh and $80 MUCH CHEAPER than actually going greek. Such a plus!!). As it happens things did not work out with the boy (surprised aren't ya?). Instead, I am pleased to say, I met one of my very best friends in the whole world. She went to my high school and I was friends with her twin sister but we didn't become friends until last year. Weird how things work that way huh? I am really thankful for APO though. We have the opportunity to do so many different types of service, meet people we otherwise wouldn't have a chance to meet, along with a bunch of fun things that I probably would not get around to planning on doing myself. Last semester we went camping, to a conference in Cali, and made out with a free night of laser tag (thank you ASU for the student funds). Last semester I was Historian and Membership V.P. and this semester I am giving Fellowship V.P. a go. I really help I can successfully plan some fun events!! This week is our rush week and I am so excited to figure out what group of pledges we end up recruiting. I just thought I had better give a little background on APO because I'll probably end up talking about it time to time (or all the time, whatever...). Plus isn't this just a fine looking group of people ;) ?
-Not quite fratty